Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sharing - It's a hard lesson.

When I was a child, I was never too good at sharing. I worried that someone else would break it, take it, waste, or who knows - something worse. I thought the things a had were very special. I didn't want to loose them. I didn't want them to get scratched. I want everything of mine to be in good condition. Worry has a way of being irrational, and so do I.

In some ways I have gotten over that... sort of. I have learned an important principle -

19"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust
destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20But store up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves
do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart
will be
also. - Matthew 6

I no longer mind letting people borrow my stuff. I don't mind giving up my extra money or time. At work, I give to the charitable outlet, I volunteer at my kids' school, I support their extra curricular activity, at Christmas I give to the needy - and whenever I need arises I try to always support that activity with some sort of check.

I guess from a childish point of view I have point of view, I have moved on; but as I sit and reflect on the Gulf I realize I still have more growing up to do. My Mom did a wonder job raising me - but I guess God has more work yet to do... As a child of God I still have growing up to do - and more likely than not I could probably step it up a notch on that sharing thing a little.

When I went to Long Beach, I saw I a great need. I did not mind giving a few buck here and there. I didn't mind throwing a wrecking bar, clearing fell trees, picking up rotten food, distributing supplies, or providing rides to those whose cars were lost. I listen to the stories of fear, loss, and frustration. If I get an opportunity, when the questions arise. I get the opportunity to share something very special.

The first trip was tough, but touching. It moved my heart heart and spirit. I like to think that I made a difference. At best I know I just planted a few seeds, left in hopes that someone else will water them and in faith that God will give the increase. I wanted to share Long Beach with my bride and my bride with Long Beach, so when I returned for a second trip I brought her.

The second trip was revealing. Jan is more patient than I, and generally less cynical. She was able to reach a part of people that I do not even see. Jan knew what things were like. She heard the stories, but somehow by participating you are changed. I am glad there was time for some sharing there.

Now what is that I am most afraid to share? Is it my things? Not really. Is it my money. To some extent I struggle with that. I'm working on that. But not too bad. Is it my time. Oh, I need to clear my busy schedule and make time for people all around me here that's for sure. But, I seem to make time for the critical events. What else can I share....

My children. Oh that's a hard one to think about. As parents we've been given special responsibility to raise, protect, nuture, love, and so much more. I wonder sometimes fail to share out children. I do. I'm afraid. What will happen if.... Will they... Would they....

Here I go worrying again. I need to be a responsible parent, but I can be a faithful responsible parent. I can trust God. The families of the gulf need encouragement and need to hear the seed of the word. My kids need to learn from their dad that this is important, in word, in deed, and in practice. Who knows how God may choose to use my son or daughter. As I learn to share my life and myself - to be that living sacrifice - as a Christian father - I must learn to pass this lesson on to my children. I suspect that by sharing them and sharing the experience of Long Beach with them is the way. My challenge is to seek God's guidance and find the way.

1 comment:

Ed Ditto said...

Sharing? Hard lesson? Sharing your kids? Yep, it is hard. You have hit the nail on the head, Jamie. Or maybe you hit the nail in the wrist. It is hard to share our kids, but we do have a great Example. Thanks for making me think - about Him.