Friday, November 18, 2005

Driving to Harvest - Jamie Burns

Eight weeks ago Katrina hit, then a few days later Rita followed, leaving as a sign placed along US highway along the beach best expressed it, a "Blvd. of Broken Dreams". Three men from the church I attend, Paul, Ed, and Steve compelled by compassion for these storm vicitms loaded up and went to the Mississippi Gulf coast to figure out what could be done to help these people. These men have spent much time explaining to the church, talking to us, and in fact much time talking to me. They see so many souls. Souls that need help. Souls that need an ear to hear, an arm to lean on, help to face the tasks ahead, and food. During my first trip there in October many desperately needed food to eat, but now they all need a different kind. Some of them are starting to wonder about that.
"FEMA doesn't care about us. Why do you?"
"We live way back here. We're the last ones to ever get anything. Now that the storm has come, we are better off now than we have ever been. God has been sending his people back here to us. Why?"
"How come the churches can take care of us quicker and better than FEMA?"
"Why did you come all way from Alabama to do this and my daughter won't even come help me from across the street?"
People in Mississippi are asking questions. People from all over America, people from Huntsville, AL drove right into the storm torn towns and begged for a question. The question has been asked. Now it's time for us to be ready with our answer!

Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? Itell you, open your
eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Evennow the reaper draws
his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life,so that the sower and
the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying 'One sowsand another reaps' is
true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for.Others have done the hard
work, and you have reaped the benefits of theirlabor."

- Jesus, the Chirst (John 4)

As a child I expect that the day would come when I would have enough right answers, maturity, and whatever else came with age that I could go reap that harvet. As I got a bit older I saw a little success in reapping, but as I got married and had kids I saw that those around me in the world getting cynical and jaded. I have long since begun to doubt whether there is a harvest around me or not. I suspect now that the problem is that I need to open my eyes a little more. I suspect that if I was to follow the example of Paul, Ed, and Steve; I too, may find a harvest. It may not be as grand in scale; but, the world is full of people God has prepared for his kingdom. The difference between that group and me may just be vision. I just need to go out and open my eyes.

The question now becomes, how will I respond to the harvest in Madison County, Alabama? Do I continue to remain paralyzed because I live amoung those not yet ready for the harvet; or, do I do what three wise me did in Fall 2005?

Will I get in my car and find the harvest?

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